"Now" said the nurse efficiently, shuffling papers. "You're booked in for X Rays this morning too. So just make your way down to the X Ray Department and they'll sort you out."
"X rays? Today? Right now?" I trembled "On my hip?"
I was pale with fright.
"Yes" she said "While you're getting other tests done they just decided to check this out too."
"Oh" I said weakly "I didn't know, I eh ..."
She peered at me closely "Have you ever had an X Ray before? It doesn't hurt you know."
"Yes I know" I said, feeling like the biggest tit in the universe. "It's fine, thanks."
Readers I felt like crying. For I hadn't shaved my legs in weeks and I was like a rugby player. No actually, rugby players had silky smooth pins compared to mine.
A handsome young male nurse bounded up to me in the X Ray Dept. "Hi" he said "now just take everything off but the pants and put this on. (one of those horrible tie up the back gowns) Then follow me to this room. That ok?"
BAH! I wanted to scream. I had horrible knickers on too.
I shuffled to the X Ray Room, clutching my gown at the back, horrible knickers and hairy legs being seen by everyone in the crowded waiting room. On the X Ray table I decided to make light of the hairy leg situation to the nurse. "The legs could do with a bit of a wax" I said "take no notice of them."
"Haha don't worry," he laughed "I'm sure I've seen worse .... oh .... I see what you mean."
This will teach me not to bother shaving my legs in winter.