I'm a skincare nerd. 'Tis true. I love researching the science behind skin and the products we put on it, and I like to keep abreast of the ingredients commonly found in products.
Sometimes, though, simplicity is the best option. My favourite products are the ones without weird incomprehensibly pronounced ingredients - not because I have a problem with those ingredients, many of them are great - but because it's nice to look at a label, see that you recognise everything on the list, and just not worry about it.
I'm late to MooGoo. I hadn't tried their stuff until some arrived at Beaut HQ last week. In my usual suspicious way, I was set to take agin' it for no particular reason. On trying it, I simply couldn't. I've been using the Oil Cleansing Method (weird name for a product) for normal skin and the 100% Organic Certified Rosehip Oil.
- MooGoo Oil Cleansing Method For Normal Skin (€21.45)
I love a good oil cleanser, and I know from the comments on skincare posts that Beaut.ie readers do too. When I reviewed the Boots Botanics Hot Cloth Balm Cleanser recently, the only real drawback mentioned was the fact that it doesn't emulsify on contact with water to wash away without trace. I hugely prefer an oil which emulsifies, but they're generally more expensive.
This one from MooGoo is no exception at €21.45 for 100mls. That's not cheap, but it gives a lovely thorough cleanse. All it contains is a combination of oils including jojoba, rice bran and avocado oils and natural vitamin E. If you're sensitive, I'd avoid this one as the lavender in it might irritate your skin - but then, this blend is specifically for normal skin, so seek out the gentler version if you're sensitive.
- MooGoo 100% Certified Organic Rosehip Oil (€10.50)
Fans of Trilogy's cult Rosehip oil will like this. It's significantly less expensive than the Trilogy version, and it contains one ingredient - rosehip oil. Simple and effective, no arsing about. It has that oily smell you recognise in purer products, and it absorbs quite nicely.
You can use it all skin types, even sensitive, and it's jammed with antioxidants. This will soothe dry skin and nourish any skin type. I think it's exceptionally good value - a little goes a long way - and I won't be without it from now on!
Are you a MooGoo convert? Are you one of the scratchy peeps that have used this brand to soothe irritated skins? Or are you new to its bovine-y ways and are tempted to give this brand a go?
You'll find a list of stockists here.