The elusive nude lip; in theory, we all covet it. In practice, at worst it can make you look like an immunocompromised street urchin extra in Les Miserables (hello concealer lips!).
But when a nude lip is done right, it's the holy grail of makeup. Your lips, but better. The perfect accompaniment to dressed up eye makeup at night, and the perfect way to achieve dressed down makeup for day. The nude lip is the unicorn of makeup - eternally sought after and possibly magical.
Well seek no more my beaut.ies, for the unicorn is now among us. It has come to spread joy, cure us of our sickly concealer lips, and provide a nude lipstick to suit everyone...
We love a collection that takes ladies of all colours into account. If you're very pale, then your perfect nude will probably be on the pink side, but if your skin tone is very deep, then a really rich blue toned chocolate brown will give you that understated sculpted lip that we all want from a nude. And of course there are all the various yellow and pink-toned skin colours in between! So a nude lip means different tones for different skins.
Maybelline have included a nude for everyone in this collection and frankly, almost every shade is beautiful.
I've got two of the collection's five shades for you to ogle - Tantalizing Taupe and Coffee Craze.
Tantalizing Taupe is a pinker nude, and works well on cooler, pale skins like mine. Coffee craze is a deeper shade and will work wonderfully with darker, warmer (i.e. yellower) skin tones. If you're unsure as to which is the right shade for you, choose the colour that is closest to the tone of your lips in their natural state. Also, avoid shades that are lighter than your lips - applying light shades creates that diseased Victorian street urchin pallor!
Sometimes when you encounter a collection, the colours are so appealing that you actually want to eat them. If you can hold off on eating these, you're sure to find a nude that works for you. The finish is not high shine, but not quite matte, so that the lipstick isn't drying (provided you prep your lips before application by exfoliating and applying lip balm).
With a slightly moist finish, these lipsticks won't stay on all day, but there's no need for lipliner and this is the sort of easy product that you can bang on without a mirror.
The Maybelline Colour Sensational Nude Lipsticks are available for €10.49. Will you be investing? Or have you already found your Holy Grail nude lip product? Tell us in the comments!