Jays lads, compacts seem to be all the rage these days, don't they? Aphrodite blogged about a new Bobbi Brown compact product last week, and on the more affordable end of the scale is Max Factors recent launch, Miracle Touch.
Now, I am a Max Factor fan and I think that they're definitely one of the best mass-market brands out there. They make base that works, with great coverage that lasts. And Miracle Touch is pretty darn good. Presented in a clever 2 sided compact, you have to unscrew the top (which holds the sponge) to get at the product below - a good idea because it keeps it fresh and prevents it from drying out.
I'm never a fan of sponges in compacts so I think I'd advocate putting this on with fingers or a brush instead. Great for work when you don't want to waste your nice going-out slap too, I reckon.