I've been on the hunt for a new foundation ever since I realised my Clinique Superbalanced wasn't doing me any favours any more.
Finding the right foundation is one of the most difficult task known to womankind (and some of mankind). We're talking exact shade here, we're talking texture, we're talking long lasting, we're talking price, we're talking, cream, we're talking liquid, we're talking stick, we're talking endless makeup counters and ranges and choice spreading out into infinity...
I have a few I have in mind. YSL, Chanel and Armani are the ones I'm setting my sights on. But in the meantime I thought I'd have a little trial of Maxfactor's Age Renew. Look five years younger? I'm having some of that. Why, then I'll only look 23!
I purchased said Age Renew and hurried home, eagerly anticipating the reversal of time. Readers, I'm astonished to tell you - it didn't happen. Can you believe it? I don't know what the woman in the picture had done, but it took a bit more than her foundation to make her look that good.
But fair dues. If it hadn't been over hyped and over advertised I probably would have quite liked it. Max Factor and Maybelline both do excellent, inexpensive foundations. It doesn't clog or settle in, ahem, fine lines and make them look worse (as my previous foundation had been doing) and it is reasonably luminating.
It's a good budget buy if you're worried that your foundation is actually highlighting your lines instead of minimising them. But five years younger? Get away outta that Max Factor.