"Waah, how do I get my foundation to stay matte all day?", is a frequent question received at beaut.ie HQ. The answer is, you can't. Sorry ladies, but there really is no top-secret way to control shine - or not without human intervention, anyway. Even the driest of skins will have some sebum activity on target zones like the nose and chin, and you can choose to add more product - like a dab of pressed powder - to dampen down shine, or you can try something else.
Boots' Expert Range has two products that are worth checking out. Shine Control Matte Finish, €5.99, is a mattifying liquid you can apply under or over makeup, so it's something you could use in the morning to help prevent oiliness. During the day if you think your nose is glowing a bit, use Shine Control Papers, €5.29, to literally blot away excess sebum.