Tis a truth generally accepted that mascara does not have longevity. After a few weeks, sure doesn't it go to hell and you have to buy yourself a new one. This is why my makeup bag is currently sporting a Prescriptives Motor-Eyes, a Rimmel Glam'Eyes Lash Flirt, a Lancome Oscillation and a Maybelline Lash Stiletto, all at various stages of gankiness. Clever auld mascara makers, wha?
Except. I may have found the exception that proves the rule: when I was in New York in February I cleaned out Barneys and Sephora of their US exclusive brands like Tarte, Lorac, Laura Geller and Vincent Longo. My case was a-burst on the flight back and when I got home I eagerly checked out my new finds.
I'd bought a Lorac Visual Effects Curling, Separating, & Lengthening Mascara, and I wasn't too wowed by it. The brush was a bit weird, the mascara-gloop was underwhelming and all in all, it didn't do what it claimed to do, so I threw it to the back of the bathroom cabinet and chalked it up to experience.
Fast-forward a few weeks: in a tearing hurry one morning I couldn't find my regular product, so out came the Lorac one. And whaddya know? Festering in a cupboard had done it a world of good: it was thicker, went on better and lashes looked like they'd been treated to some actual Visual Effects.
What do you reckon? Am I alone in my mascara-mazement, or has this happened to you?