I'm off to the Mac suite backstage at the IFTAs tomorrow afternoon to have a gander at the set-up and see what's what. Last year we roped in a willing victim who allowed herself to be sacraficed at the altar of makeup and we shot the resultant looks for the blog. This year, well, y'know - I wanted to do something a little different.
I'm gonna go in there, camera flashin', and ask the artists to pick me out the prime products they'd use to create specific beauty looks. I reckon the more puzzling-slash-bonkers those looks are the better to be honest, so this is where you lot come in. While I won't be doing full run-downs on creating each face-full, I will have capsule product collection photos and some tips for each to show you.
So, what would YOU like to see? Is there a specific look you've always wanted to try but were at a loss as to what you'd need to create it? Perhaps there's something new-season that's floating your dying-to-experiment boat? Leave me a comment and tell me what looks you'd love recommendations for. I'll bring them along with me on the day and try to get as many locked down as I can.
G'wan - what are you waiting for? To the comments!