Girls, I know this is one that keeps you awake at night. Shiseido sent me an e-mail in which they asked "Are you dreaming of plump, supple lips?". Well to be honest, I wasn't.
But I knew some of you lot might be, so I read on. They weren't actually enquiring after my personal wellbeing at all, as it happened, they were merely advertising their latest product launch. It's called Benefiance - Full Correction Lip Treatment, and it's a "rich nourishing balm that enhances lip contours and gives lips a plumped look." So if you're a tad worried that your lips aren't achieving their full potential (full potential! I kill me!) then you might be interested in these stats: 92% of women polled perceived a moisturising effect, 88% said it plumped lips and 88% also said it increased smoothness. Thank the Lord - I dunno about you, I'm just too young for wrinkly lips.
All slaggin' aside, this stuff does also promise to add "brilliance and dimension and reduces the visibility of signs of aging such as fine lines, dryness, and dullness", and you can use it as a lipstick primer too. So, if you were concerned your mouth was letting your mush down, it could be worth a try.