So ecstatic was I to receive this shampoo and conditioner in the post that I barely scanned the labels before hurrying to the bathroom to try it out.
All I saw were the word HUILES and DRY and REBELLES and the lovely amber brown packaging and I reckoned this was the answer to all my prayers.
I love that word HUILES. For whenever it is writ upon packaging it is always good - for it means lovely rich nourishing oils. And in this case it's olive oil that's doing the Huiling.
L’Oréal Professionnel SÉRIE NATURE OILIXIR, €19 (a bit like Moroccanoil, fact fanz), L’Oréal Professionnel SÉRIE NATURE DOUCEUR Shampoo €14.20, L’Oréal Professionnel SÉRIE NATURE DOUCEUR Masque €18
But I mentioned that I didn't really read the pack properly and so didn't see until after the second wash that this range is in fact silicone free too. Some people will actively seek out shampoos and conditioners that are silicone free - and ranges like Phyto and Burts Bees, Lavera and Dr Hauschka are all good bets if you're going down this road. Read this to find out more about silicone in shampoo.
But not me. No sirree. I love silicones and they love me. The more the better in fact.
Silicone in haircare has a bad rep because of products like Pantene which were loaded with heavy sticky silicones which caused buildup (the newer Aqua Light ranges are much easier on hair thankfully). The more damaged hair is the more it is likely to love silicone - it can actually fill in gaps in the hair follicle and smooth out frizz. But if you're avoiding any sort of chemicals in your products (this range is also paraben free) this might be a good bet for you.
It's not for me unfortunately - but some of you will love it.
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