Ah listen. When I saw the ads for L'Oreal Paris' new dolls house decorating kit Roll'on True Match compact foundation on the telly recently, there were no locations into which my eyes were not rolling. Now see here, Beaut.ie readers. I write this blog precisely because I am obsessed with makeup; I love gadgets; I love getting and trying new beauty bits. But this just seemed frigging ridiculous. It was a roll-out too far, if you will.
Then it arrived in the post! Ha! They sent it to me! Foolish them, you might be thinking. Well ... actually ...
I think I was so prepared that this would be The World's Sh***st Thing Ever that it actually exceeded my expectations.
By quite a lot.
I couldn't for the life of me imagine how the identical-to-a-mini-paint-roller applicator would work - I mean, how stupid an idea is that? WOULD YOU NOT JUST USE YOUR FINGERS IF YOU REFUSED TO SHELL OUT FOR A BRUSH!?
Except it actually somehow isn't that bad - yeah, it's a bit messy and you have to really work it into the pan of product so guck ends up gathering on the ends - much like a regular roller, then. It goes on fine too, and perhaps because it's so small it gets around the facial contours and doesn't give you a Kryton-from-Red-Dwarf face - all bonkers angles and whatnot.
Even around the nose it's ok to use, with no gappy bits. The eyes are the only area it falls down on - it's difficult to get the roller in and up there and to be honest I'd rather not. So while it looks awful silly in use, (and I'd be damned if anyone'd ever catch me putting it on in public) if you go for sponges, then you might well like it.
Overall, this is a pretty frivolous idea that is designed to shift units, I've no doubt about it. Available in five shades, the coverage is thick and quite matte, so it's not a product I'd go for, preferring a lighter, liquid option, and at almost €20, it's not that cheap either.
What do you think of it? Rate it, or absolutely hate the idea?