After nineteen years of having lips as narrow as the mind of that Mulherin woman, I got bored. The boredom led to me playing around with a few different liners and lipsticks, trying to get bigger lips that still looked like lips - not the juiced up collagen pillows that seem to be en vogue. I haven't transformed into Angelina Jolie or anything, but I think I've found a technique and selection of products that work for me.
Lip-smacking! Mac Plushglass Ample Pink, Mac Lipglass Nymphette, Essence Satin Mauve
Choose your weapon
Paying big bucks for a lip liner doesn't really make sense to me, you can nab a one that does the job for a few euro - this Essence one in Satin Mauve stays put and doesn't drag when applied. I picked this colour because it's very similar to the tone of my own lips and that's essential when it comes to over drawing.
Steady as she goes
I brace myself for the frustration that comes with trying to be precise when your hands have constant shake and lightly fill in my lips. When that's done, I take the pencil and draw over my cupid's bow (the two points on your upper lip), keeping the shape but making them just a touch bigger. If you're a braver, more steady handed lady than I am you could do this with your entire lip line; personally, I think that can look a bit Joker-esque but if that floats your boat then batman villain yourself right up!
Lash on the gloss
Because I don't like to rely too heavily on liner for fullness, I like to add a plumping gloss on top. If you've never tried one before, it's just a lip gloss that has mild irritants in it. They cause your lips to swell just a bit and, like all glosses, the shine makes them appear even fuller again. My current favourite is Mac Plushglass in Ample Pink - the tingling with this one is very mild, which will be a plus for those who were gnashing their teeth with the sensation from other plumping glosses.
And the swatches (l-r): Ample Pink, Nymphette, Satin Mauve
Lash on even more gloss
With that applied all over my lips, I take any shimmery gloss and apply it to the centre of my lips. This makes the corners look like they're further away, tricking folks who look at you into thinking the centre is more prominent. The fools! This one is Nymphette by Mac, a light pink with buckets of golden shimmer.
Have you got any more tips? Dish!