Concealer is my absolute desert island must have beauty product. I could not live without the instant perkiness that a great concealer provides. It can erase late nights, cover blemishes and just generally make you feel like a new woman.
Now at the moment my skin is having a meltdown and my dark circles should have their own post-code, so what better time to test out the brightest and best of the current concealer crop?
Enter Laura Mercier Undercover Pot, it boasts two different concealers and a setting powder all in one package. People rave about this product - so I had to give it a go!
On the left is the Secret Camouflage – a heavier concealer for blemishes and on the right is the Secret Concealer – a lighter formulation for the dreaded under-eye circles.
There’s also a translucent setting powder, stored underneath in a pot that screws on.
At first I though the Secret Camouflage would be too dry to be useful. My skin is already a bit on the dry side so less-hydrating formulations will only highlight flakiness.
- This stuff doesn’t seem to do that though. It stays put and somehow manages (through witchcraft?) not to settle into dry patches. It's a darker colour than the under-eye concealer which is perfect for me as an under-foundation concealer.
- The Secret Concealer is my favourite piece of the puzzle – a highly pigmented hider of dark circles that’s brightening and hydrating. I’ve been patting this on with my ring finger to cover my epic eye-bags in three seconds flat.
- The translucent powder would be a step I’d normally skip to be perfectly honest. Who has the time!? But when applied with a small brush (I’ve been using a Real Techniques Detailer Brush) it does a great job of stopping the concealer from slipping or, horror of horrors, settling into my fine lines.
- I love a product that offers a few tricks in one handy package, and concealer is a particularly handy one to be able to throw in the handbag.
- The packaging scores points for being sturdy and featuring a mirror in the lid. Perfect for bus-based touch-ups. I’d recommend Laura Mercier Undercover Pot for concealaholics everywhere.
Have you tried this concealer? And what did you make of it?