Lancome's autumn winter trend is once again another Aaron de Mey creation and is all about the femme fatales of the French capital of the thirties and forties. The name? Oh, that'll be a reference to Lancome's headquarters at 29, Faubourg Saint Honoré. Handily, this part of Paris happens to be my favourite (I'll also admit it's pretty much the bit I know the best too) bit to wander and stay in so Lancome, you have pleased me from the off.
I've got a mix of press shots and product pix and swatches to show you today from the collection, which will be elegantly available at Lancôme counters nationwide from 4th September 2011. What's what, then?
Maison Lancome Blush, €45, is the star here. A tri-coloured beauty powder with a couple of areas of sparkly overspray, this is gorgeous. So pretty.
And here's how it actually looks in the flesh. Utterly pretty. I've rarely seen a more intricate, well put together palette, to be honest. And this is why you're not getting a swatch. Sorry! I can't bring myself to sully this and it's going into the collectibles drawer where I will take it out in years to come, Miss Havisham-style, and croon and croak at it ancient crone-styleee. While my 40 cats look on and my wedding cake moulders.
Lipstick - specifically red lipstick - is clearly an important part of the show with this lineup. Three French Touch Absolu Lipsticks will be €30. The packaging is again, to die for here. De Mey has really done a number on the brand's limited edition lippies since he came to Lancome and they're always cute, covetable and really sweet. Much smaller than normal lipstick packaging, the bullet's the same size but the casings are old-skool, metal and incredibly glamorous as a result. I don't have a sample of these but going on previous collections I can imagine they'll be great.
Shades are Rouge Saint Honore, Rouge Faubourg and Rouge 29. A cream finish with skin-kind Pro-Xylane is what's promised here.
For eyes there's the Les Œillades Eye Palette, in Blondette Fatale, €45. It's got four matte and iridescent shadows for use on lids and brows, apparently.
More for eyes: There's a black Art Liner being re-promoted as well as Hypnose Drama mascara (luv u) in Gris Fatal, €25.50. You can't see it so well on the brush but in the swatch, it comes up really grey-blue. Grey mascara already had a moment a few seasons ago at YSL so it'll be interesting to see how well this works within the context of the other shades.
Le Vernis Nail Varnish will come in Noir 29 and Rouge Saint Honore and will be €16 each. I've got the latter, lets take a look at it in real life:
Gorgeous. A bright, clear red creme shade, this is one I'll be swatching very soon.
So ladies, given €100 to go bananas with, what would you buy to tickle your fancy? Let us know in a comment!