Where cleansing my face of a morning is concerned, I've long favoured the wash 'n' go approach.
I'm not the only one: when we talked before about AM cleansing using just water, a large majority of readers (and Salma Hayek, no less) confirmed that it was how they rolled.
A minimal morning routine is one of the most reliable ways I've found to keep my dehydrated combo-to-oily skin on a (reasonably) even keel but there are times, like if I've used an overnight mask or treatment, when I feel that washing with water alone isn't enough to completely remove any lingering residue. I can't be arsed with a wipe-off cleanser like Eve Lom or Liz Earle twice a day (handily, my skin doesn't like it either) and even if they don't cause immediate dryness and tightness, most facewashes are guaranteed to bring on an attack of the flakies.
Handily, La Roche-Posay's new(ish) Physiological Foaming Water (€14.75) isn't like most cleansers. It's formulated without soap, alcohol, colourants, or parabens, relying instead on active cleansing agents which are more usually found in eye drop formulas, particularly contact lens cleaning solution.
This means that the light foam is suitable for use even on hyper-reactive skin without causing redness, irritation, or tightness, soothing and softening skin while gently cleansing and removing make-up.
Now, I haven't actually tested its make-up removal power yet; I'm liking it as a morning time cleanser and as such it is looovely. I find that quarter to a half pump of the silky-feeling foam is sufficient for full face coverage, and after rinsing my skin feels super clean but not the teensiest bit tight. I can arse around for absolutely ages, maybe having breakfast (side note: SO underwhelmed by Crunchy Nut Granola) and wondering what to wear for the day before getting around to applying moisturiser without my skin feeling at all tight or just washed. And although it's early days, I think that my blackhead-y nose looks clearer since I introduced La Roche-Posay Physiological Foaming Water to my routine.
Cleansing, non-drying, non breakout-causing, possibly blackhead-busting, and as easy to use as washing my mush with water?
If you're confused by the various ranges offered by La Roche-Posay, check out this post which we've dedicated to demystifying them.