Kiehls isn't a brand I'd normally associate with fake tan. I know most of the big skin care brands have one in their range, but when tanning I'd be far more likely to go for a specialist brand like ModelCo or HeShi, or a chemist brand like Garnier or L'Oreal. I'm into developing tans because of how long they last and how you just slap them on, let them dry, go to bed and wake up bronzed.
This week I thought I was just doing that with my ModelCo mousse, a particularly dark developing tan that smells like candy floss. I woke up and braced myself when looking in the mirror (cos sometimes it develops a little more Snooki-like than I'd like, but mostly it looks like I've been in Greece for two weeks) and got the fright of my life. The fecker hadn't developed at ALL, and I'd sat there applying and drying in the near-nip for nearly two hours. Rage.
So the following night I decided to try the rather dusty bottle of Kiehls I'd been sent. I'd used it once before after a shower and dressed right away without washing my hands, so of course the results weren't great. This time though, I was mega impressed.
The formula is a white cream so it just feels like you're slapping on body lotion. It dries quickly and although there is a pong (any brand that claims theirs doesn't have one is lying as the pong is the DHA, the tanning ingredient, developing) it wasn't overwhelming. I woke up a lovely golden brown colour and was amazed at how even the tan was. my hands in particular looked grand - no knuckle build up or harsh lines where I'd washed my paws after applying.
Because I have an Italian name, many people assume that I'm naturally the colour I present to the world, but my mother is a flaming red head so I did not inherit Dad's dark skin. Please do not be alarmed by this photo, but the Twilight-esque colour on the left is my natural shade. I'm all for alabaster skin if it's nice, but alas mine is not. The Kiehls tan gives me the colour seen on the right. Far better and less corpse-like, yes? It also doesn't stick to elbows and knees in the way some brands do, probably because it's so moisturising thanks to apricot kernel oil, cocoa seed butter and vitamin E. You can also use it on your face which is a bonus.
Even more impressive is the price. At €22.50 it's cheaper than a lot of products on the market, and even though the bottle looks small at 150ml I'd say there's about five full body applications in it.
My advice would be to definitely try it, especially if you're afraid of developing tans - this one is practically foolproof.