Ah yes, there is nothing like finding a new grey hair to keep you feeling young, said no one. Ever.
All these recommended tricks for hiding away the years, like mascaras and mousses, and still we search for the Hairy Holy Grail. It can be hard to hide those little fellas, and there is just no getting away with it for those of us who suffer with the rapid regrowth of fifty shades of grey.
So when I received these new colour wands from Josh Woods I wondered what the difference was with this offering.
See, as far as I am concerned hair mascara looks like, well, mascara in the hair and coloured mousse the same. Both products are a sure sign of grey cover up as they dry to such a hard shiny consistency and just mark the scalp.
But this colour wands win in the battle of the crunchy hair. They are a non-permanent, instant colour solution designed to leave the hair shiny and silky. The colour lasts for up to three washes but my very scientific (it involved my mother) research showed that after two washes, it's pretty much gone.
There’s a little button at the side of the brush that you click to release the colour. The consistency is quite runny but it is easy enough to work with. After applying the colour, simply brush it through, give it a quick blast with the hair dryer and voilà, a silky, shiny disguise performed in minutes.
Josh Wood is well respected within the hair and beauty industries, and he has collaborated with Marks and Spencers to create these little magic wands. They will set you back €17.50, which isn't too bad considering you really don’t need to use an awful lot - one of these would do you for weeks.
Now I’m not saying they are good enough to keep the Jay Leno look at bay but the black colour I tried is definitely good enough to conceal that grey reappearance after two/three weeks.
There are five shades available:
- light blonde
- dark blonde
- light brown
- dark brown
- black (latest addition to the range)
My only caution with these would be this: as much as you want to rub the colour in with your bare hands, be careful and try stick to just blending with the wand and your hair brush to avoid staining your finger tips.
Have you tried out these blending wands? Or have you tried any quick and easy grey remedies recently? Let us know what works best for your less colourful days!