Jedward for Eurovision! Backs Lipstick FTW


In a cab recently, myself and the driver were chatting and for some reason, the conversation turned to Jedward. "Ah he's a great fella, so he is," said the driver. "He's done verdy well for himself what with the panto and the ads and that. Best of luck to him now."

I sat in the back, oscillating between wanting to burst into hysterical laughter and genuine desire to ask the driver if he really did think that Jedward was but one human entity, but I was actually so gobsmacked I did neither. I just got out at the end of the journey and bwahahahed to myself and have referred to the pair in the singular ever since.

Flicking channels on Friday I caught the last of the Eurovision yokey on the Late Late. There he was, leppin' about and singin' about Lipstick, one of the girls from Bel Amie doing backing vocals. Clearly lipstick is a subject close to's heart, so I took note. Crap song like, but Jedward did it in his own inimitable style and it was fun. Oh, and it was about lipstick. Douze pointe!

Up against a load of people who could actually sing and play instruments and that, of course Jedward was going to win the popular vote to represent us in Germany. Of course he was - this ain't no technical singing competition no more, it's all about kitsch glitz and Jedward - all one of him - is perfect. You're fooling yourself if you think Rock n Roll Kids (ugh) is going to cut it Eurosong-style in 2011.


What's the big deal anyway? After all, we've had Dustin reprazentin' for us before, so clearly we're down with novelty entries.

And hey, it's not like we haven't sent worse (political) turkeys to Brussels ...

Psst: if you Google "Jedward lipstick" you get a search result for a beauty brand called J.Edward, who make ... lipstick. The web address is The logo is a J and an E. It's like it was pre-ordained.

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