For all the die hard false lash-wearers out there, we have some big news. Suzanne Jackson has teamed with Lauren Pope to create a pretty perfect strip lash range.
The lashes are not for delicate eyes who have never worn a false strip lash before. They are full, they are voluminous, they are super fluffy and they are dramatic. If you like a couple of individuals at the edges, I reckon these will be altogether overwhelming for you. However, if you love the effect of a strip lash (me, me) these lashes are going to rock your world.
I have to admit, I don't like the sensation of applying a strip of lashes. I find them a little uncomfortable and even though my eyes adjust to them I will be aware of them throughout the day. In saying that, when I have a big occasion and photos will inevitably be taken, nothing will do the job like a lash strip. For instance, my wedding. I braved a strip lash for the day because you really can't beat the fluffy frame they give your eye makeup.
Here are a couple of images of ladies wearing #Boss lashes
There are a few things my ideal strip lash must have.
A thin, flexible band
The perfect length-not too long so that they hit off my eyebrows (or glasses if I'm wearing them)
They must be full and fluffy (or else what's the point?)
The Lauren Pope collection fulfil this criteria and more. They are as comfortable as a strip lash can be and we reckon all false lash lovers will be pretty impressed with the overall look they achieve. There are three varieties #Boss, #Queen and #Slay.
My favourite - and Sue's favourite, as it happens - are #Boss. They aren't too long but they are really full and fluffy and in my opinion are the most comfortable to wear. #Queen are the longest so for those of you who are lucky enough to have huge peepers, you will probably love these ones. They have a wispy effect on your lashes, so they're long but not too thick. Finally, #Slay could be the most dramatic. They are longer than #Boss and thicker than #Queen with a spiked finish that some people love for dramatic effect.
Also, it's good to know the lashes are made from synthetic hair so they are cruelty-free like all of the SOSU ranges.They are available in Penneys now for €10.