Yesterday when we were talking about the eagerly awaited Babyliss Pro Perfect Curl the dirty subject of money arose. Now this gizmo may make the magic happen with poker straight locks - but it sure as hell will hit you in the wallet too.
It will set you back an eyewatering £120 notes plus VAT. Now a quick calculation means that it will come in at around 141 yoyos and if you add on VAT at 23%, that brings the price of this appliance to €173.43.
And that's assuming the price doesn't get hiked up by another 25% - which sadly seems to be the average increase UK companies slap upon us when they deign to do business here in Treasure Island. And make massive profits while they're at it - but sure we won't get into that now.
So conservatively speaking, this hair curler will cost upwards of €200.
So is this just too much to pay for a beauty product - maybe it's not because lots of us have spent this much on GHDs already. Or is it totally worth it if you love and want something enough?
Do you balk at paying more than say €20 for beauty products? Or does it seem reasonable to pay €100 for a serum? Would you ever shell out for a Tom Ford lipstick - or will you stick to Rimmel thankyouverymuch.
What's your breaking point - the price at which you will say to yourself - whoa that's WAY to much!