I felt a bit Owlish when I checked out these blue and green facial highlighters from Swedish brand Make Up Store. O RLY? I thought. YS RLY said the press release. Oh. Ok so. It didn't RLY say where to put them though.
You're looking at High Tech Lighters in Energy (blue) and Magma (green) and they're €17 each at Arnotts, the brand's only Irish stockist. They're not by any means the only shades Make Up Store does luminzer-wise: I have another couple and they're very nice, a sort of coral and a pearly shimmering white. Both of those I'm perfectly comfortable with and know where and what to do with them.
Green and blue though. Hmm. I'm stumped.
You're gonna have to help me out here chicks, cos I can't get past Darryl Hannah in Splash inspiration-wise. So I want to know what sort of look you'd create using these products.
A swatch of how they appear on skin should help, as should a quick description of the texture and finish. Creamy, dense and pearlised, the pay-off with these is fairly light and while you can build them, they're designed to be worn sheered out on the skin. In use, they're nowhere near as flat as they appear in the press shot to the top - there's a good bit of shimmer in the mix.
To the comments!