Let me forewarn you; we'll be getting this over with quickly because it won't take long to convince you. Just look at that eye of wonder. Look at it!
Lauren Mayberry's eye is my new obsession, and I want it on my face. I'm not just talking about the makeup, oh ho ho no, I'm on about her actual beautiful almond shaped brown eye, which is clearly perfect for dolling up. Like Lauren herself.
But obviously, it's the sparkly eye art that is going to be all over festival fields this summer. Or offices. Ours anyway.
What I like about it is the hint of glamour with an otherwise understated - and untanned, yay! - look. Unstyled hair, cute blue nails, nice shade of lippy and BAM! That eye.
As proven by Instagram, she's a fan of the aul kablamo eyes.
Finally, sparkles look cool. Sparkles sparkles all the way!
And that's why Lauren Mayberry of Chvrches is your new beauty idol.