Here we go again! Unlike those pesky cliffhangers at the end of EastEnders, we know that this is one little teaser you're happy to see. Yep, it's almost time for this week's Boots Star Gift!
By now you're probably totally familiar of what goes down at this time of week but just in case you need a little reminder, we'll explain what it's all about. Lasting for one week only (or while stocks last) the Boots Star Gift is a better-than-half-price offer on one of Boots' popular products that can be snapped up in stores or online. Our readers are always the first to know what the new Star Gift is because we reveal it at one minute past midnight on the day it goes on release. We know, amazing.
And if you thought that wasn't cool enough, we have a Boots Star Gift to give away to one lucky reader every week! If that's not worth setting your alarm to 00.01 for, we don't know what is. Last week's Star Gift was pretty gorgeous but hurry, there are just a few more hours to throw your name in the hat; you can enter here and it's easy peasy - what could this week's be?!
Set your phones or twist those clock hands for one minute past midnight and find out later tonight!