Here's another little something kinda ooh: we love, love, love a bit of a beauty award at Beaut.ie (plus we'll be doing ours before the end of the year, so watch out for that) and we love it even more when they're done really well.
And I happen to know that the forthcoming - and inaugural - Prudence Magazine Best Buy Beauty Awards are going to be a bit of a winner. How do I know? Because yours truly has been beavering behind the scenes organising them for the past couple of months, that's how!
These beauty awards are going to be all about recognising the absolute top buys from all the delicious stuff that's launched in the last 12 months. They're not about patting the same stuff on the back - after all, we already know Max Factor Masterpiece Max, NARS Orgasm and John Frieda Frizz-Ease serum are great, so there's no award-worthy news there. Instead, the awards will give you the low-down on what's new and fantastic, why it's so good, and whether it truly offers value for money. That's key, especially at the moment when disposable income has fallen thanks to hikes and levies.
Every single product that made it to the final cut has been expertly assessed by a panel of 11 industry experts, who literally slaved away over the course of the judging period trialling and testing hundreds of products from dozens of brands. And one of the best things about the whole enterprise is that Prudence want their readers to influence the outcome as well: you can participate in their reader survey to tip the nod to the stuff you discovered and loved this year.
Filling out the survey means you'll be in with a chance to win the entire collection of award-winning goodies too - and that's a prize that's going to be worth over €1,000. Wayhey!
You'll be able to snap up a copy of the magazine - which'll include a handbag-sized awards supplement - at the end of September, so mark it in your diaries STAT!