I was lucky enough to visit Crow Street Collective, one of Dublin's newest hair salons, last week for a complete hair makeover. If, like me, you get bored with your look easily and changing your hair is your go to re-vamp, then this is most definitely the place for you.
Unlike other salons Crow Street Collective is designed to be a place you want to hang out it; it has an almost homely feel.
Darren Lacken, the artistic director and owner, has carefully allocated 45-minute slots per session to fulfill his clients' needs, unlike some other salons that do 30-minute slots. This way he can ensure he gets the best results for each and every client.
I was kindly presented with 'the best hot chocolate in Dublin' upon arrival. Being the proud owner of an exceptionally sweet tooth, I was delighted with this pleasant touch. I'm a big fan of attention to detail; it's part and parcel of the make up world.
I'm sure I'm not alone in this continuous saga, but I have spent a lot of my life dying my hair from brown to blonde and back to brown. I get it in and around the blonde colour I think I would like, realise my hair is extremely damaged and that brown actually suits me better. Then go back to brown. And back to blonde again! It's a vicious cycle.
Next time I have the bright idea to dye my hair blonde, please be the first to remind me of this very article.
Now, usually when I dye my hair from blonde to brown, it turns copperish, and I have never been a huge fan of that kind of hue. But somehow I always end up with this warm tone coming through my hair after dying it back to brown.
The first thing Daren did was produce a gold and silver piece of card. He held both up to my face to see which tone would suit my complexion. How very clever! This wasn't something I had seen before. It was fascinating to see how the gold and silver cards reacted with my skin tone and in the end, we settled on cool.
He mixed up the colour and added 'Olaplex' which, for those of you who don't know, is the product used on Kim Kardashian to get her hair from black to blond in a day without damaging it.
The results were amazing. I got my cool tone brown hair, with very cool toned blond at the end the first time round. I love a hairdresser who carefully listens to what you want and can get you the results you are looking for.
If you're looking for guidance, ideas, expert advice, professionalism, a wonderful hot chocolate or just a new hang out spot, why not try them out for size? New Year, New You and all the rest.
Are you a salon hopper or do you have your monthly appointment booked in your favourite salon well in advance?