While Adrian Mole's grandmother admonished him to "cast ne'er a clout till May be out", I'm prepping for short-sleeved tops now.
Lynnie's told us about a miracle cream by Eucerin already, and I'm going to tell you today about something I'm using that I'm pretty pleased with. Guinot's Smoothing Body Scrub is what I'm attacking scaly, wobbly upper arms and decollete with. Effective but not painful - which I do find some salt or sugar scrubs can be - it doesn't leave skin reddened and sore. Instead, it gives you lovely smooth, soft skin which feels moisturised. Exactly what I wanted! Great for getting flesh into daycent nick, it would also be brilliant pre-fake tan application.
Get yours from salons nationwide or from the bauld Strawberrynet, where you'll get the few bob off too.