You came in out of a terrible night in Dublin (the wind! The rain!) to get your Gorgeous to Go books signed by Aisling and have eyes and lips attended to with Shiseido products by Leonard Daly and have Impress nails impressively attached too. Once proceedings were finished, Patricia (Principessa) and Aisling lustfully fell upon the Shiseido Cream Shadows Leonard had been using and gooed over them so much he was forced to give them to the pair of jammy wagons. True story.
See? They were overawed by the magnificence of the Shiseido eyeshadows. Overexcited wasn't the word. Poor Leonard!
But we're getting ahead of ourselves here. What happened before all that particular bit of grabbing? Oh, loads! Beaut.ie readers queued for their books and goody bags (one of which we have to give away later, yay!), and then got eyes done with Leonard and Impress nails too, if their hearts desired.
So, did we snap you?
Aisling pontificating to a Beaut.ie reader (probably explaining how she would later strong-arm makeup out of Leonard)
After you got your book signed you could scoot over to our mini nail bar and get your talons transformed by the lovely girl from Impress or have Leonard do a quick-fix for eyes with the aforementioned Shiseido Shimmering Cream Shadows.
Leonard working his magic
The Shiseido Shimmering Cream Lineup - we've reviewed these before, so check the post out for more info.
Some of the tools of Leonard's craft. The nice thing about the cream shadows is they can be as easily applied and blended with the fingers as they can with brushes.
We're also loving Impress nails: you literally stick and go with these babies.
Gorgeous shiny Impress talons showcased to perfection on a copy of Gorgeous to Go.
We'll have a video up over the next few days of the event too - so check back in for that!
Many thanks to you all for coming along, to the team at Eason O'Connell st for all their hard work in organsing the event and to the fab girls at Gill and MacMillan who we work with closely - Nicki, Ciara and Audrey, big cheers to you. Huge thanks of course to Shiseido, Leonard Daly and Impress plus the wonderful manicurist whose name I was very remiss not to catch. She was a sweetheart and so obliging. Goody bag gorgeousness was donated by Essence, Nivea, Shiseido and Impress and a major thanks there too. We love you all longtime.