There are a couple of things that I haven't missed one bit since I started working from home. Most of them, unsurprisingly, relate to commuting. Hanging around waiting for buses/trains; being rained on because I'd left my umbrella at my desk; getting drowned by drivers who merrily roared through gigantic pavement-side puddles; having soaking wet feet because apparently none of my shoes are able to cope with any precipitation: I ain't missing you at all.
What I am missing is the easy access to all the top-of-the-class shops and salons in the big schmoke that going to college and subsequently working in Dublin afforded me, so I very pleased indeed to discover a threading specialist practically on my doorstep in Naas, Co. Kildare. Sinead Fagan of Wink Beauty used to work in Shavata Lash Lounge in Harvey Nichols, Dundrum. While working beyond in Harvey Nics, Sinead noticed that a large number of her clients were travelling up from Kildare and so decided to set up shop locally to cater for these women.
I called in to Wink Beauty a couple of weeks ago to have my out of control brows tended to - I'd been growing them out, intending to have them threaded on my next trip into town, but I pretty much woke up one morning and they looked particularly horrific and, well, I just couldn't live with their untidy ways for a minute longer. Sinead took her time assessing the state of my eyebrows, shape of my eyes, face, and features, had a chat with me about what she thought would look best, and got to work wielding her magic waxed cotton thread. In addition to putting a great shape on my unruly brows with her thread, Sinead expertly trimmed a few stragglers for a super groomed look. She also recommended that I try letting the inner corners of my brows grow back, which made sense - my eyes are quite wide-set anyway and the further apart brows are, the further apart the eyes are going to look - but previous therapists had always just whipped those hairs away.
When I was finished, I met Mam for a cup of tea, which had to be swallowed quick smart because she wanted to go straight into Sinead and get her own brows done. My sister's eyebrows have now also been on the receiving end of Sinead's thread - feck's sake! I should have organised some kind of comission scheme when I was in there - and they also look totally uh-maze-ing.
Now, if I could just get Ellen to move Waxperts down to this neck of the woods I'd be all set...
My eyebrow threading was €15; there's a full list of services and prices here.
Wink Beauty, Suite 2 (Above Crave), Castle Buildings, Friary Road, Naas, Co.Kildare, 087 170 7683