I recently took up running (which I LOVE.) But oh my dear sweet GOD the effect it’s had on my feet is ridiculous. They’re calloused, blistery, rough, everything you DON'T want in a foot and more. They’re basically no longer recognizable as human feet.
I feel bad for them; down there on the ground, doing all the hard work, pounding the pavement, while I selfishly reap all the rewards of the running. My usual scrub is having no impact whatsoever on their general state. They look sad and grey and neglected, my heels are cracked, my toes are exhausted, even my arches look knackered.
Do you remember Frodo’s feet in Lord of the Rings? Well, mine are MUCH worse.
So the Scholl Express Pedi, a new battery powered foot-fixing gizmo, sounded like it would be right up my street. The Express Pedi uses a roller to remove hard skin, so you don’t have to scrub away with foot files or pumice stones. It’s surprisingly effective. You just apply the rotating file to your rough skin and voila.
Now do put down a towel first for God’s sake, there will be a DISGUSTING amount of.. er.. foot dust. But much like Valerie’s Purederm Foot Mask it’s disgusting yet delightful!
I quite like the Express Pedi, although I really wish it was water resistant – because then I could use it in the shower… not to mention clean the thing properly.
It’s a bit pricey at around €40, AND you have to replace the file every so often AND it’s battery powered. But it has made a huge difference to my feet, and they were a particularly tough case.
Now I’m dying to get some flip flops on while this weather lasts.
So who else has tried the Express Pedi? And does anyone have any other quick fixes for Frodo feet?