If you're afflicted by keratosis pilaris, you probably have mixed feelings about the approaching summer season. [Although you could be forgiven for thinking it's a long ways away yet, given the mental weather of the last few days.]
Yes, the summer months bring evenings with a grand stretch in them and the prospect of warmer weather. Who knows, maybe this year we'll even see a bit of sunshine! But the more ominous side of summer is that it invariably involves a shortening of sleeves - Very Bad News for those of us plagued by colonies of pesky little red bumps on the backs of our upper arms. However, I've found something that really shifts the blighters. It's Eucerin's Intensive 10% w/w Urea Treatment Lotion, it moisturises and softens dry, rough skin, and it works. Applied twice daily, my keratosis pilaris was substantially less noticeable from day 1 and was just about gone completely by day 3.