We were having a bit of a chat the other day about plucking out stray grey hairs. I haven't yet got to the dyeing stage, and am still able to keep it all in check with a bit of judicious tweezing. Reader Holly Golightly confessed, "I do enjoy my breaks from my office desk to go to the bathroom and pull them out!", adding that she also likes a sneaky jaunt into changing rooms with bright lighting. "The sales assistant must wonder why I’m in there with one skirt for 20 minutes", she laughed.
Me? I love staying in posh hotels with well-lit bathrooms and illuminated mirrors. I have a bleedin' field day. Out they all come - but there's one drawback: I can't see, or get to, the back of my head.
So, that got me thinking. These days, you can get all sorts of skincare-alike services at hairdressers, like serum-based treatments, shiatsu head massages and hydrating and smoothing therapies. In beauty salons, therapists will happily extract your 'areas of congestion', so why not a salon service where you can get your greys tweezed by an expert?
I know, I know. I'm a genius. Cheques and letters of appreciation to the usual address, thanks.