It's been a couple of weeks since we've heard from Achilles, so let me spill forth some more of his pearls of wisdom. Now that your pores are unblocked, keep them that way.
Exfoliation is really important for men, on two counts. Firstly it gets rid of all those little bumpy ingrown beard hairs caused by shaving. Secondly, mens skin is thicker and oilier so it needs a good scrub to get it really clean. Exfoliating basically scrubs away all the dead skin cells that can give you an unhealthy grey hue. How attractive.
It's a no brainer. You'll see instant results. And people will notice you look much better, healthier - they just won't know why.
To be honest I don't think it matters too much which brand you use. Achilles uses whatever I happen to pick up for him - and he's using the Clinique face scrub at the moment. This is what it does:
Helps dislodge dead flakes, excessive oils, and surface grime. Special aid for ingrown hairs. Perfect before shaving to assure a smooth, nick-proof shave. Contains rounded granules that won't scratch skin. Unbreakable tube is safe for use in shower or bath and portable for travel.
Remember, you do need a proper tube of exfoliating scrub for men, because womens is too wimpy and delicate for male skin.