Bless me Estée Lauder, for I have sinned. On no fewer than two occasions during the past week, I have turned to the dark side before turning in for the night.
That's right. I used cleansing wipes to remove my make-up.
To avoid temptation, I try not to keep the infernal things in the house. But while having a major clearout last week, I came across a packet of Boots Expert Sensitive Cleansing & Toning wipes that had somehow snuck into the gaff. (They're sneaky like that.) Like a fool, I didn't really pay them too much heed and just left them on my bedside locker to be dealt with at a later date rather than shrieking and holding them at arms length while racing to the nearest bin and slam dunking them into its depths.
This meant they were within easy reach when my defences were down on two nights that I was completely exhausted and cold and wanted nothing more than to crawl straight into bed. They smiled and nodded as I reasoned that it was better to hit the hay sans make-up than with a full face of day-old slap, and made reassuring noises while I decided that they'd be okay just this once twice, that using them meant I could do my cleansing in bed - and sure weren't they for sensitive skin?!
My skin vehemently disagreed, however, and punished my laziness by going a bit psycho. I'm still sorting out the dehydrated patches and spots that those effing wipes left in their wake.
And yes - they are now, finally, in the bin.