Well, what have we here? Launching in December/January on Essence stands is Circus Circus, the next trend edition from the brand. It's definitely the strongest one they've rolled out for a while and its a vaudeville-themed collection that features loads of fun bits and bobs as well as a glam makeup bag and perfume. Yes, perfume. For €7.49.
And here it is. Essence Circus Circus ETD, €7.49, is undeniably pretty. It's a generous 50ml spritz and scent-wise is one a younger girl will like: it's sweet, sugary and has the all important fruitichouli note so ingrained in youth perfumery. I've had a sniff and don't like it personally but will give props to Essence for dialing it down about 56 notches from the normal teenage girl scent which would knock you out at ten paces - this is pretty light by comparison, so older girls may indulge too. Give it a sample spritz anyway, it's a fantastic price.
If over seven quid is too rich for your blood then how about €3.49 for the matching purse spray? 7ml plus a cute charm are included.
Here's the other fun bit, the makeup bag. at €2.99, a total steal - but I don't know what size this is so I'm guessing fairly wee.
Now. Makeup!
I am nuts to try the Colour3 Nail Polish, €3.29. The press materials don't indicate it but going on the 'Colour3' name I am wondering if they do the same thing the Andrea Fulerton Duos do - y'know, each shade does its own thing but if you paint one over another, you get a whole new combination, resulting in three colours from each duo? Even if not, these look fab, glittery and bright. Shades are 01 My Sparkling Acrobat (not shown, black creme and gold), 02 Don't Feed the Tiger (gold and black and gold glitter), 03 Applause Applause (reds) and 04 Cotton Candy (pinks).
Also for nails there are two sets of nail stickers for €2.49 each. Patterns are 01 Come in, One and all (left) and 02 Big Top (right).
The packaging on these Circus Circus Stay All Day Eyeshadows, €3.29, is fab. The lid is domed and while you won't be able to stack them, it's so tactile and nice you won't mind. Shades are 01 It's Magic (gold), 02 Raise the Curtain (champagne) and 03 My Sparkling Acrobat (the graphite).
I got two of the Stay All Day Eyeshadows to have a goo at. Pretty pots!
And the product in the pots - I've got It's Magic and My Sparkling Acrobat. So how do they swatch? Bear in mind that's all I've done with these (they just dropped yesterday) so far so can't comment yet on wear, longevity or even how they look on the lids.
The gold swatches amazingly well - it's creamy, properly metallic and in-yer-face. I'm not sure if it won't crease, though. By comparison, My Sparkling Acrobat is a bit wishy-washy but will make a good base for a smokey eye and the shimmery glitter is nice. The proof will be in the pudding-based using, of course and I can't tell much from mere swatches. Plus price as always is excellent.
Circus Circus Liquid Eyeliners are €2.79 and come on two shades, 01 It's Magic (gold) and 02 My Sparkling Acrobat (graphite). They're joined by a golden Highlighter Powder, €3.49 in 01 It's Magic.
Lastly, there are some treats for lips. Two Lip Lacquers are €2.29 and come in 01 Applause and 02 My Glammy Acrobat. Hmm. They might have wanted to have thought about that name a little longer. To the right of that is Circus Circus Lip Topper, €2.49. It's an extra step to add on top of an existing gloss or lipstick and gives extra pearl and glitter effects. Yay! It comes in one variety, 01 It's Magic.
So, that's yer lot from Essence for December/January. What will you be indulging in?