This is the most effective way to treat dry skin

It's that time of year that dry skin-sufferers will have flaky skin issues. Forget creams for a minute and treat the problem from the inside.

Well maybe don't 'forget creams', it's still comforting to put on a lush moisturiser in the morning. Your creams will also protect your skin from the harsh Irish elements and sun's radiation. However, the only way to truly fix the problem is by tackling it from within. If you eat right and take the right supplements, in conjunction with your favourite hydration products, you can beat dry skin this winter.

My skincare guru is Jennifer Rock aka The Skin Nerd. We meet regularly and rarely do we have a meeting and not get onto the topic of skincare. I have constantly dehydrated skin and Jennifer keeps shouting the same thing at me 'Omegas'! Omega 3 fatty acids to be precise. You can get these into your system by taking a supplement of fish oils that you need to take daily. The problem is I just don't remember to take them every day. This is going to be my month though, starting today I will pop one of those fishy yellow bubbles every singly morning. Promise.

Incorporating Omegas into your diet is the first step in treating your dehydrated skin. They help your skin cells to retain water in turn keeping your skin at optimum hydration levels. You can take supplements but also eat plenty of oily fish and nuts and drink lots of water every day. Fish that are high in Omega 3 fatty acids are salmon, mackerel and shellfish. There are omegas found in plant based foods too like avocado, flax seed, chia seeds, all your leafy greens and if you can stomach it, spirulina. Nuts like walnuts, cashews and hazelnuts also contain these skin-loving essential fatty acids.


skin-omegas-plus treat dry skin

Advanced Nutrition Programme Skin Omegas+ €36

Try it out, Jennifer told me I would start to see a difference in my overall skin health within a few days.

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