As the clock struck Twelve on New Year's Eve and I vowed never to watch bleedin Hootenanny ever again I half heartedly thought about making some resolutions.
The thing is... they've been exactly the same for the last ten years. Exactly the same. So they obviously ain't working.
Anyway, here goes
1. Lose ten pounds
2. Eat more healthily
3. Take (some) exercise
4. Be more organised (sub resolutions to that one include: try not to lose more than two mobile phones per year; keep a diary so I actually remember to go to appointments etc; make lists of things that need to be done and then actually do them; stop leaving everything until the last minute and then fly into mad panic and stress self and everyone else out.)
5. Take off makeup every night
6. Be more tidy
7. Win the lotto (must remember to actually DO the lotto sometimes in order to increase chances of winning).
So that's me. what about you?