Hoi laydees! I know oi haven't been about for a whoile and there's a good reason for that. Oi switched to a variable rate tracker mortgage and with the money oi saved, sure I could cruise round the French Riveria all summer, with short stops off here and there to buy gold bullion, furs and black hair dye.
Whoile I was away I got to thinking about lip gloss, though. Oi believe that dis year, dere's a big move back to retro shoine. Lipstick Queen Poppy King has dis fabillis, cult, range of sheer and opaque lipsticks, that oi believe fashionistas rate to the max, like. Adding to that range is her recent launch, Shine, big pots of glossy goop that are very sexy (admit it gerrils, you love it when oi say sexy, don't you?) Even though they're nice and big, factor in the $22 charge plus the proHIBitive cost of postage, and Rimmel's new Shock Gloss is looking loike a very attractive prospect altogether. Plus, it's filty cheap - only €6.55 for a pretty large tube of magnifying gloss - now, that's what I call a sound investment.