There are not many that wouldn’t wish for shinier hair. But for most, even after trying most brands on the market it just doesn’t come that easily to them.
Especially during the summer months, heat, sea salt, UV rays and chlorine to name just a few can leave your hair looking and feeling dry and brittle. But, fear not.
Here are some easy natural ways to keep your hair shiny
Don’t over-wash
Most shampoo bottles will direct wash, lather, repeat. But actually, you may be doing more harm than good. If you have very oily hair this might be a necessity but if your hair is relatively normal, washing it twice can strip the hair of its natural oils and, in turn, its natural shine.
Don’t be too rough
For most, drying your hair can be a pain but don’t try to quicken the task by roughing your hair in the towel. Squeeze it dry in a towel, which will keep the natural shine intact.
Use Argan oil
It is easy to fall under the false promise of some products. Some shimmering sprays on the market just don’t work. What you ultimately want to do is to create a natural shine by enriching your hair with natural oils that it will produce on its own too. A great way to get this going is to apply a coin-sized amount of Argan oil to damp hair after washing.
Use an overnight mask
Overnight masks are a great way to lock in some moisture and natural shine. Don’t waste your money on a plethora of shop-bought hair masks, a big handful of coconut oil does wonders. Pop a hair cap on and wash it out the next morning. You may on this occasion need to double wash to get the oil out, but that’s allowed.
Leave some conditioner in curly hair
Because of the natural shape of curly hair, it can be difficult for your natural oils to work their way from root to end. After washing leave a small amount of conditioner on the ends to help restore that shine, it will also make brushing a whole lot easier.