What's happening: Easons O'Connell St Dublin is where it will ALL be happening. Beaut.ie will be in da house! We'll have goodie bags galore stuffed with makeup treasures for the first 50 to get their books signed - and some surprises! We'll let you know in more detail what the surprises will entail - but lets just say they will involve MAKE UP!
Where: Eason O'Connell St Dublin
When: Thursday 24th Nov 6pm
Who's invited: Everyone! Come along, pick up your book and your goodie bag; get your picture taken; meet us and the other Beaut.ies and have a good old laugh!
This will be our last book event of 2011 - and we'd LOVE to see you there!
Mrs Doyle insists: What do you say? Say yes? Go on go on go on go on
Image via: all-made-up-21