This week's dupe of the week is a very, very good one! Guys, I plan of saving you €15. Fif-teeen Euro! This is one of my favorite lipsticks of all time, in fact it's my go-to red and with Christmas knocking on our doors, and budgets being tight right now (boo!) you can look like you're wearing MAC's Lady Danger without the price tag.
I was reviewing Rimmel London's new lipstick line earlier today when it dawned on me, no. 620 Call Me Crazy is an exact dupe for MAC's Lady Danger and its only €5.49!
Can you tell which is which?
I'll put your mind at ease, right is MAC and Left is Rimmel. Colour wise there is very little difference, Rimmel is more light weight so might require a double layer, however it is much more hydrating than MAC's satin finish Lady Danger.
Call me crazy...but if I were you, I would be stocking up on this Rimmel gem.