I’m a big fan of the original Clinique Chubby Sticks. They spawned a bazillion knock offs but the twisty-up tinted lip balms were a bit of a revelation when they launched. It wasn’t just the packaging, the formula was really good - lip care wasn’t compromised in favour of colour, or a gimmick.
Since then the brand has expanded the lip range into sheer Baby Tints, which work well as a balm but wouldn’t be all that exciting, and Chubby Stick Intense which give a much stronger colour payoff than the originals (there are Chubby Sticks for eyes too).
When it comes to the Intense versions (€20) they really do pack a colour punch - this one is Heftiest Hibiscus - but other brands perform just as well I think. Halfway between a balm and a lipstick the brighter, bolder shades can work particularly well.
A great dupe is NYC’s City Proof Twistable Intense Lip Colour which is e3.49. The pigment on this shade, Ballroom Blush is great, leaving lips slightly tinted when it wears off and the formulation is smooth and just glides on. Not bad at all for less than four quid!
We love it when we can buy a few products for the price of one. How about you? Have you worn either of these chubbies? How do you rate them?