In the words of the immortal (and immortally shit when I re-watched it as an adult, sigh) Highlander, there can be only one.
One Beaut.ie reader to judge at the forthcoming Prudence beauty awards, that is. So, who's our lucky gal? I'll tell you in a sec but first, a note of thanks to everyone who slaved over a hot keyboard to lovingly craft their reviews for consideration. We loved reading them and the breadth of products, brands and knowledge out there is terrific - it fair brought a tear to our cosmetic-loving eye. So, we'd like to sincerely thank you all again for taking the time to enter the competition.
But as I mentioned, there can be only one ...
Our lucky winner is Catherine Twomey from Dublin, or Dublinista, as some of you'll know her from her many comments on Beaut.ie.
Huge, massive congrats Catherine, and you better gird your loins for the deluge of product that'll ensue!