Let me preface this by saying I debated long and hard about whether to publish this review or not. I got this product as a sample to test, and I'm quite reluctant to write much on Beaut.ie about hideously expensive beauty buys - because while I get the the occasional one to try on account of the day job, I do know they're just not within my budget.
So I'm pretty sure that a lot of you guys aren't regularly throwing down the price of a weekly food shop on one product either, but with all that said and those caveats in place, let's move on...
Well, what is this mythical product of great expense? It's La Mer's new Body Refiner, and it's a hundred and ten Euro. Yes, €110. That's a lot of money for a 200ml body scrub. Would it help any if I told you that it smells lovely and fresh? Would your eyebrows lower (or raise) when I add that it contains 1.75 carats of pure diamond dust? Eh? eh?
Would it alter your opinion if I said that ingredients include fermented acidic sea muds which have a low pH, making the product kind to sensitive types? I could also include the high-tech following: the inclusion of electrically-charged tourmaline and sea quartz particles helps to convert your massage action into energy, meaning you get stimulated circulation.
The Body Refiner has all of those things, smoothes on really well, doesn't do that scrubby/hurty thing, leaves skin feeling moisturised, and best of all, it makes you twinkle!
Yep, La Mer creator Max Huber has obviously been following pop culture from his spot in heaven, because once you towel off, this baby goes all Twilight on your ass, thanks to those very apparent diamond particles. Sparkly vampires have nothing on me after a lash of this, I'm telling you. But it looks good - a very grown-up, subtle silver glimmer that I'd imagine would look even better with a tan.
Best kept for very, very good, this is your go-to before an event/wedding/big night out/new boyf seduction. And ladies? Don't buy it yourself - this is one to ask for at gift-time.