Now, I know that some of you ladies are eagerly looking forward to A/W 2010. Looking forward to the new fashion and beauty collections that the season has to offer; putting away the fake tan and the flip flops for another year; anticipating lovely, crisp, ever-shortening autumnal evenings.
Me, well, I can't count myself among your number.
Because while I have a gorgeous summer coat that I adore, I've yet to find a "wow" winter equivalent that fits me perfectly. I know how to dress for half-decent Irish weather, and will be clinging to my open-toe wedges for as long as I can, but struggle with post-September attire every year. And I happen to like my easy peasy summer beauty identity - a slick of molten gold eyeliner along the top eyelid, a smudge of bronze along the lower, teamed with tan and gloss and shimmer-ridden blusher - whereas winter beauty often leave me looking a bit on the dead side of alive.
In previous seasons, I've had another reason to vehemently dislike the months between September and February. My lips usually spend autumn/winter cracked wide open, despite lashing on various potions and unctions. Vaseline, Labello, Blistex, Carmex, Kiehls: over the years, all these and many more besides have been put to the test, and most did the job while they were on my lips but as soon as they'd wear off I'd be right back to square one, complete with a patch of the Sahara under my lower lip. However, I have now found (drumroll, please!) my Holy Grail lip balm so at least I've one less reason to be dreading the clocks going back.
At €58 a pop, Crème de la Mer lip balm ain't exactly cheap. But I bought it almost 2 years ago, before the arse fell out of the economy, it was a Payday Thursday, I'd had a rubbish day in work, and BT's beauty room was calling. (And it's not like I bought the really megabuxx diamond dust body scrub or eye cream, in fairness.)
Now to the science bit: a Lip Lipid Complex in the balm gets to work immediately on application to moisturise, strengthen the lips' minimal moisture barrier, and prevent any further damage. The lip balm also contains the nutrient-rich Mineral Broth stuff that you'll find in all Crème de la Mer's offerings, which is packed with marine extracts, botanicals and vitamins to heal seriously chapped chops. There's also yummy tasting mint, which helps to soothe lips as well as taste delish.
The reason this is my HG lip balm isn't just because it delivers instant relief to a parched pucker. It also provides long lasting hydration and works to actively repair my lips, so that they're better able to withstand whatever the winter weather has to chuck at them... even if I'm not wearing it.