Kirstie blogged about the new Bobbi Brown palettes recently, but a few people were put off by the potential price of putting together a full palette. If you do like the thought of putting together your own custom-filled palette, but at a lower price, then ArtDeco is the brand for you.
ArtDeco is a German company which offers (among its complete cosmetic range) a wide range of eye shadow and blush shades in individal pans, which can be easily popped into their empty magnetized palettes in any combination you like. The eye shadows and blushes come in durable hard plastic packaging, so you can also purchase them individually without a palette if you prefer.
While on holidays in Austria recently, I put together 2 three-pan eye shadow palettes for around €25 each. I know the prices in Ireland are somewhat higher than they are in Austria, so I would guess the price may be around €35 for a filled three-pan palette (eye shadow pans and empty palettes are priced at around the €8-9 mark if I remember correctly). The quality of the ArtDeco eye shadows is excellent, easily comparable to the many department store brands I use, and the palettes are available in a plain glossy black finish, or with special seasonal designs.
I know that ArtDeco is available in the Debenhams (formerly Roches Stores) on Henry Street, and if you're aware of another location for it, let us know in a comment!