Back to basics: How can I tell if my skin tone is yellow, pink or neutral?
One of the most regular questions we get asked here at Beaut HQ is 'how can I tell if my skin tone is yellow, pink or neutral?'
I totally understand the struggle. You would think that understanding your own skin tone should be a relatively easy thing to do. I mean, it's your skin, it's on you ALL the time. You can't help but see it every time you look in the mirror. But it can cause huge confusion for many of us.
So, wrists at the ready, it's time to understand YOUR skin tone.
There are three ways to work out which you are.
- 1: Analyse your veins on your wrist
This is my preferred method. When you look at your veins, the colour you see will tell you your skin tone.
Blue: You are cool-toned (pink based; many Irish folk fall into this category)
Green: You are warm-toned (yellow based; sallow skin or skin that tans easily)
Mix of blue and green: You are neutral (equal parts of both; pale in winter but tans easily)
- 2. Look at yourself in a mirror in daylight
Squint your eyes - do you see either a more yellow, pink or neutral hue?
- Test a foundation in cool, warm and neutral on your jaw line
Leave it for 20 mins to settle and work with your skin oils. The one that disappears is the one for you.
Do you know your skin tone? Do you have any questions on how to decide if you are pink, yellow or neutral?