Nothing works for quick confidence boost like donning a bright, bold colour. But how do you know what colours suit you best? Can a redhead really wear red? Yes, yes they can.
Whatever colour you dare to wear, wear it with confidence and a spray of Dove Invisible Dry, which promises not only to keep you feeling fabulous for 48 hours, but also promises to help prevent white marks on over 100 colours! Here we take a look at some of the best shades to match with your hair colour.
- Redheads
Contrary to what some believe, redheads absolutely can wear bright bold colours. In fact they work wonders with red tresses, especially red itself. But the key here is choosing a colour that will enhance your own red and your skin tone. If you remember your art classes from school, you'll know that purple marries beautifully with red hair, and nothing works better for any kind of red hair than an eye-catching, refreshing green. Cobalt blue will work a treat here too.
- Blondes
If you're blonde, you're already on to a winner, after all, don't blondes have more fun? As with redheads, the tone of your blonde hair will affect what colours work best. For example, warm honeyed blondes will work better with stronger shades such as turquoise blue rather than a pastel blue which would better serve someone with cool or ash blonde hair. Lemony shades, or coral and peach will also work well with warm blondes. Meanwhile for the cooler ladies among us, colours with grey or blue undertones will really enhance your look. Mint greens, and pale, cooler pinks will also marry well with the platinum blondes. And whether you're a warm or a cool blonde, wearing black will go wonderfully with either.
- Brunettes
Truth be told, brunettes have it rather easy, in that there's very few colours that won't work well with brunette hair. Everything from turqoise to blueish reds to grey will feel like the right fit for a brilliant brunette. And that logic can be applied to almost every shade of hair, once you stick to tones that complement your particular colouring. So that's it, rules out the window! After all, all you need is confidence, right?
What colours have you found to work with your hair shade? Is there anything that you’ve been avoiding but are now willing to try?