I slipped in the shower yesterday and practically cracked my coccyx in half. I have only myself to blame; hundreds of shampoos, conditioners, treatments, pre-conditioners, post-shampoos and all the rest litter my shower floor. I really need to choose favourites and ditch the rest.
The first things I'll bin are the ridiculous extras that cosmetics companies have been releasing left, right and centre of late. No, I don't need a pre-condition mask; no, I don't need a pre-cleansing spray; and I absolutely do not need a pre-shampoo oil.
Matrix has just released their first oil range designed specifically for fine hair. This initially scared me because I have fine hair that even a teardrop of oil makes look as greasy as yer man with the mullet in The Walking Dead. I tried it, though, because I like to believe that there's a shampoo/conditioner combo out there somewhere that my hair won't reject. Of course, there's an extra product in the set to 'prepare' your hair, but I won't spend too long on it because it's completely useless.
The Oil Wonders Pre-shampoo Oil is supposed to be sprayed on damp hair and left for a five whole minutes before shampooing. I've said it before of pre-shampoo potions, and I'll say it again: ain't no one got time for that. It didn't make one bit of difference to the way my hair looked. So leave it.
The shampoo and conditioner, on the other hand, they are both very pleasant. The oil in question is Rose Hip, which is supposed to nourish and strengthen hair. My hair is particularly weak so I can't tell if it has done that job yet, but my hair does feel moisturised. The shampoo lathers too, which surprised me, and it felt thoroughly clean after rinsing like it really had got rid of all the build-up.
The conditioner is nice and light too, and neither product weighed my hair down at all. In fact, after using the duo, my hair felt lighter, softer and shinier. I've used it about three times now, and with all the shamps and conditioners in my bathroom, that's saying something.
If you have fine hair and have always wanted to try oil products, then I do say to give it a go. Just skip the pre-shampoo oil.
Matrix hair products can be bought in selected salons and online. Have you ever tried products from the brand?