Braids are an easy way to shake up your hair routine from day to day. We're looking at five of the most popular styles, and how to wear them.
Braids are something that most people consider themselves either good at or terrible at. Braiding is a skill that requires dexterity, that's for sure. However, if you can master it, a world of different hairstyles are at your fingertips (quite literally). You see, aside from being pretty, braiding is also incredibly cost effective. Most styles require minimal products or tools - just a little technical skill.
For me plaiting, and braids in general will always remind me of being small. From when I was about seven, I'd spend hours messing around with ideas. I had really long hair and would practise different looks until I got them just right (yes, yes... I'm a nerd I know!). Nowadays, though, braids come in useful for days when I need a quick solution for mornings when I've missed the alarm or have an early start.
There are many kinds of braids in the world, but here are five of the most popular and how to wear them.
French Plait
This is the most classic braid and the one I wore to school most days as a child. It's often considered a little conservative, but there are ways you can make it more modern (try messing it up a little for a start). Another trick that works well is to do two French Plaits (like pig tails) and then sleep in it. In the morning, take them out and you'll have hair a mermaid would be envious of!
Dutch Braids
The cooler cousin to the French Plait, this uses the same three strand technique. The difference is though, instead of bringing the strands over each other, the braiding is done underneath.
Fishtail Braids
Also known as the Herringbone Plait, this style is one of my favourites. Wear it in a messy braid for a more modern feel, or pin multiple braids together for an elegant up do.
Halo Braids
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The Halo Braid has a few different names including Crown Braid and Milkmaid, but the result is always the same. The technique for this is based on a traditional Dutch Braid but rather than starting in the middle of your head you begin from the side.
DNA Braids
This new, intricate style of braiding cropped up during festival season (check out the full post on it here). It's one that would require some practice but the pay off is there for all to see!
Do you wear your hair in braids? Which is your favourite style?