If you know someone who loves designer labels, then the FCUK Charm Tote Bag is the perfect present to give this Christmas! For one week only, from 3rd to 9th December, Boots ‘Gift of the Week’ will be available for better than half price at €28 (original price, €60) in Boots stores. It’s a stylish accessory for women who are always on the go and looking their best from party to party!
Let someone special, look sensational, as they don this gorgeous designer FCUK Charm Tote Bag during the party season. The stylish shoulder bag boasts decorative gold detail and contains FCUK Pure Bodywash (175ml) and FCUK Polished Moisturising Bodywash (200ml) to nourish skin and keep it feeling firm, fresh, soft and supple into the new year. It also contains FCUK Polished Whipped Body Cream (300ml) and FCUK Pure Body Spray (200ml) to lock in moisture and protect against dehydration, whilst leaving a fragrant scent of violet, pepper and vanilla so any lady can feel luxurious throughout the festive season.
Treat a super-stylish loved one to the FCUK Charm Tote Bag this Christmas! Boots Advantage Card holders can collect 112 points with this bargain offer, that’s four points for every euro spent at Boots. If you encounter any gifting dilemmas this Christmas then the Boots ‘Ask The Girls’ service is here for you! Throughout the Christmas period, dedicated Boots staff will be on-hand in selected larger Boots stores to answer all of your gifting queries.
- This offer is not included in our 3 for 2 Mix & Match, from 3rd to 9th December at Boots
- There are no restrictions on the number of customer purchases of the offer at Boots